Auburn named top chemistry grad school

Kym Klass
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Auburn University has been ranked a top chemistry graduate school for 2016.

The 2016 Top Graduate Program rankings represent graduate schools and programs across the nation and are based on student reviews and satisfaction ratings. Auburn came in at No. 4 in chemistry degrees.

The University of Alabama ranked No. 20.

This list of the top 25 schools providing graduate degrees in chemistry is based entirely on student feedback. The schools on this list cover a variety of program locations and formats and many schools have both master's and doctorate programs available.

Auburn University had a student rating of 4.33 out of 5. The University of Alabama, 3.90.

The top rated school is Rice University in Houston, Texas, which has a student rating of 4.62 and has both a master's and a doctorate program in chemistry.

The top five included California Institute of Technology at No. 2 with a 4.53 rating; the University of Nebraska-Lincoln at No. 3 with a 4.43 rating; and Columbia University in the City of New York at No. 5, with a rating of 4.29.